Affiliated to : CBSE New Delhi
7610122729, 739
7610122729, 739
Madhuvan Colony, Mahadji Nagar, Shivpuri Link Road, Lashkar, Gwalior (M.P.) - 474001

Why Genius

In our commitment to excellence, we adhere to high standards in all that we do. These standards include professional development that is oriented toward best practice and the infrastructure and technology that is able to facilitate the achievement of our mission.

GIPS is equipped with Stunning Infrastructure, Smart classes, Application based learning with extended activities for the holistic development of students.

GIPS employs state-of-the-art pedagogical aids and technology to make teaching-learning collaborative, interactive, experiential and student-friendly. At GIPS, we believe in synchronizing and applying the techniques and approaches in pedagogy with our concept-based and personalized learning aids.