Affiliated to : CBSE New Delhi
7610122729, 739
7610122729, 739
Madhuvan Colony, Mahadji Nagar, Shivpuri Link Road, Lashkar, Gwalior (M.P.) - 474001

Director's Message

Ms. Rakshna Ghatge Sasode
( Director )
“Everyone has dreams and without dedication it is like a body without soul. When such dreams turn into reality, it makes a mark on time. We need to be among those unique human beings who have left an indelible mark on the lives and minds of other people.”

In addition to educational brilliance, the Genius International Public School is dedicated to bring in strong moral values, honesty, civility, benevolence and reverence for elders in all its students. It aims to develop intellectual students with great discipline, intense determination and passion to do extremely well which are the merits required to meet the challenges of the contemporary society.

I believe that, “Children are real wealth of the nation, bless them with good Education.”